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 关于热力图 pc

In this section we will publish heatmaps for world of tanks pc maps gathered from replays uploaded to wotreplays. These heatmaps show wot maps tactics and strategy for different tank classes as well as the common wot maps positions to make high damage, earn more xp and spot enemy tanks.

因此,他们与数据库有同样的偏差: 人们倾向于上传他们最好的一局,即“把M局”或“高伤局”,但其显然不能代表发挥平均水平的一局。


  • 请提交更多的wotreplay文件,不管是顺风局逆风局,还是普通局或者战败局,这对于热力图的制作尤为重要
  • discord 加入我们,并分享您的评论或问题。
  • support us by visiting 商店, 可以对我们进行打赏支持,这样做可能会为他人带来更好的工具或使其对相关问题有更好的理解。


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2023-Aug 随机战斗(VI-X级)


We have updated all heatmaps taking the most recent 1000 battles for each spawn. Here is what changed:

  • added new Outpost, Oyster Bay, Safe Heaven maps
  • added animated tracers, zone of influence heatmaps
  • we gather individual vehicles heatmaps within 1000 random battles for each spawn
  • we implemented heatmap image builder on the client-side allowing to customize image options: filter tank classes or individual vehicles, customize colors and intensities

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2021-Mar 随机战斗(VI-X级)


We have updated all heatmaps taking the most recent 1000 battles for each spawn. Here is what changed:

  • added new Berlin, Pearl River maps
  • added new assisted damage heatmap for each spawn which clearly shows best spotting positions (tracking doesn't count)

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2019-Aug X级军团战,VIII级前线



  • 我们收集了wotreplay.ru网站上的军团战回放,包括小规模战斗和全球地图战斗
  • 这些战局在wot 1.0+地图上了进行了一年多
  • 仍然没有足够的样本,因为没有多少军团上传他们的回放

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2019-Jun 随机战斗(VI-X级)



  • 我们只使用VI-X级的游戏以减少来自低级的干扰
  • 团队走位和车型走位显示大致驾驶方向
  • 只有在同一地点停留超过3秒的坦克才会“变热”
  • 热点展现了哪里的坦克能打出很大的伤害,以及他们在哪里会受到伤害
  • 示踪热力图显示了伤害的来源,以及射击的方向
  • 我们创建了一个经验地图地图来展示哪条早期路线对游戏贡献最大;为此,我们展示了前3分钟,并用奖励的经验对每一条路线进行加权

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